Factorio learning factory
Factorio learning factory


Some recent and well-known examples include artificial soccer players in RoboCup ,mastering the board game Go with Artificial Neural Networks ,and playing classic Atari games at a level comparable to humanplayers. Game playing is the oldestand likely the most common application of AI in games, and awide array of literature exists on the subject. maximizegame score or length of play) or to define behavior of a Non-PlayerCharacter (NPC) in the game such that the game experience ismore engaging for a human player.

factorio learning factory

In general the objective ofan artificial game-player may be to win the game (e.g. Of particular interest to this workare the first two categories on which we shall focus from here on.Of particular interest to this work are the first two categories onwhich we shall focus from here on.In AI for Game Playing, artificial agents learn to interact witha game, observing the state of play and taking actions in an attemptto maximize one or more objectives. Yannakakis andTogelius structure the application of AI in games into threecategories: 1) AI for game playing 2) AI for content generation and 3) AI for player modelling. As such, gamesprovide a rich test bed for Artificial Intelligence. a rocket to escape the planet, all while avoiding the aliens defendingtheir world from the pollution created by the engineers machinery.Games represent a wide variety of challenging and interestingproblems designed to engage human intelligence. Request permissions from, 15.00 © 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).

factorio learning factory

To copy otherwise, orrepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than theauthor(s) must be honored.


The premise of Factorio is an engineerwho crash-lands into an alien planet, and must use their engineeringexpertise to accumulate resources, automate production and launch to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Inįactorio is a video game produced by Wube software, which wasfully released in August 2020. The Factory Must Grow: Automation in Factorio. Reid, Iliya Miralavy, Stephen Kelly, Wolfgang Banzhaf, and CedricGondro. KEYWORDSįactorio, operational research, video games, optimization Theory of computation → Convergence and learning ingames.Wepresent results for Simulated Annealing, quick Genetic Program-ming and Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning, three differentmeta-heuristic techniques to optimize this novel problem. We developed an interface to allow optimizersin any programming language to interact with Factorio, and weprovide an initial benchmark of logistic transport belt problems. In this paper we define the logistictransport belt problem and define mathematical integer program-ming model of it.


The video game Factorio, byWube Software, has a myriad of problems which are analogous tosuch real-world problems, and is a useful simulator for developingsolutions for these problems. In the field of operational research the effi-cient scheduling of employees packing of vans routing of vehicles logistics of airlines and transport of materials can be the differ-ence between emission reduction or excess, profits or losses andfeasibility or unworkable solutions. Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MIĮfficient optimization of resources is paramount to success in manyproblems faced today.

factorio learning factory

TThe Factory Must Grow: Automation in Factorio We present results for Simulated Annealing, quick Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning, three different meta-heuristic techniques to optimize this novel problem. We developed an interface to allow optimizers in any programming language to interact with Factorio, and we provide an initial benchmark of logistic transport belt problems. In this paper we define the logistic transport belt problem and define mathematical integer programming model of it. The video game Factorio, by Wube Software, has a myriad of problems which are analogous to such real-world problems, and is a useful simulator for developing solutions for these problems. In the field of operational research the efficient scheduling of employees packing of vans routing of vehicles logistics of airlines and transport of materials can be the difference between emission reduction or excess, profits or losses and feasibility or unworkable solutions. Efficient optimization of resources is paramount to success in many problems faced today.

Factorio learning factory